Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Kansas Men Plan Mass Muslim Murder

Was randomly looking for random pages with stories on Islam or in relations to Muslims and here's what I came across;

Honestly? I'm not surprised -_-

I've been waiting for the day some people will feel like they've had enough with what extremist muslims are doing and retaliate.

But this guys stories say the least. For starters their plan was to -and I quote- "to bomb, the day after Election Day, a Garden City housing complex that was home to much of the town's Somali Muslim population, as well as a mosque."

Apparently there's been this hidden culture of hating Muslims (again, not surprised)

Their plan was to incite a bloodbath which in their messed up heads was the "only fucking way this country’s ever going to get turned around."

You know what? Just read the post I linked above, I'm just regurgitating what they said.

Although I do feel a need to mention that one of the Kansas men actually said with his own mouth that "If you’re a Muslim I’m going to enjoy shooting you in the head."

What the actual heck?

What did we ever do to you?...correction, what did I ever do. You wanna shot and kill me just because you hate me?

Well then I fear for the day a dog bites you cause then the whole species will go extinct!

Yes, Muslim Terrorist Bombers are bad and damaging and they suck! But in no way does that mean you have the right and or authority to carry out your own self-deluded form of societal cleansing.

I'm just giving a rough overview of the situation but I highly recommend reading the article. I don't condone plagiarism in any way so I don't want it to seem like I'm doing so.

Although I am fearful of what will happen on election day now. I'm just expecting something either sad, horrific, or mind-blowing that will rock the very foundation of society to happen around that week.

On a last note:

  • Those Guys are bum-fucks,
  • Don't YOU be a bum fuck,
  • And not all Muslims are the same,

Thank you, and have a nice day :)

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